Grants are non-repayable funds or products disbursed or given by one party (grant makers), often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust, to a recepient, often (but not always) a nonprofit entity, educational institution, business or an individual.

The grants are divided into group and individual ones.

In turn, individual grants can be divided into:

  1. Grants for education (Bachelor, Master, PhD (postgraduate) studies)
  2. Internship grants (participation for scientific-pedagogical and administrative staff in internships)
  3. Research grants
  4. Grants to attend conferences, summer schools and other events

Taking into account duration, grants are divided into:

  1. Very short-term grants (3 days – 2 weeks) – participation in a conference, seminar, summer school, etc.
  2. Short-term grants (1-3 months) – internships, research, etc.
  3. Medium term grants (3-6 months) – internship, training, research
  4. Long-term grants (6 months – 2 years) – master, postgraduate studies, scientific research

Depending on the content, grants can be classified as:

  • Grants for participation in academic exchange programs
  • Grants intended to improve the infrastructure of an educational institution
  • Grants for the modernization of higher education
  • Research grants

International projects are aimed at: development, modernization and distribution of new study programms, teaching methods or teaching materials; development of a culture of quality assurance; modernization of management and leadership of higher education institutions; strengthening the role of higher education institutions in society and their contribution to the development of education.